Looking for Job in Amman?

Hello there my name is Dimitris and I want to come to work in Jordan.
Im currently living in London and i studied here both for my undergraduate and postgraduate degree in civil engineering.
Im from Greece and i want badly to find a job in Amman, i dont care about what kind of job but all i want is to be able to live there.
My problem however is that i don't know Arabic, therefore i guess its harder for me to find something to do :/
I would like some help and advice of what i could do there
Also if anyone around here is from Greece and can give some advice it could be even better :)

Hello Dimitris and welcome on board Expat.com

For job hunts, please refer to the appropriate section of the site : Jobs offers in Amman with your cv resume

Best of luck :top:


Why would you want to work in Jordan ? for a British Graduated you must get a good offer to work in Dubai :)

Moderated by Priscilla 7 years ago
Reason : no free ads here please


Welcome on board  :cheers:

You are replying on an old and inactive thread and the OP hasn't been active since so don't expect any replies.
As you are new here it is not necessary to post the same comment on several threads.

You can post your offer in the classified or register your business in the appropriate section of the forum to get better reviews.

Thanks for your cooperation.
