Looking for a job and new life in Bali

I am planing to go to Bali and start a new life.... any Jobs? I have been working in hotels for the last 10 years but I want something else. Spanish teacher? babysitter? dancing teacher?


Spanish teacher is possible, if you're qualified as such.
The rest are impossible to do legally.

So, You Want to Move to Bali?

You should have a read here, on this thread:


Read the whole discussion as there are lots of useful links to be found there. 

Unfortunately, unless you are independently wealthy (no need to work for a living) about the only chances these days is to start a business here which generally requires a minimum start up of US $300k. 

Qualified and native English speakers can sometimes find low paying teaching jobs on Bali, but the competition for those jobs is fierce. 

Jobs on Bali are highly protected and largely reserved for the locals.

Sorry, but that's the reality of the situation here on Bali.

Good luck realizing your dreams.