Driving in Denmark


What do you think of the way people drive in Denmark? How different is it from your home country?

Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, speed excess… what are the characteristics of the driving style in Denmark?

Share with us the difficulties one may face when driving in Denmark: peak hours, road conditions, accident, etc. and your advice to drive safely in the country.

Thank you in advance for participating,


Hi Maximilen,

I don't drive in Denmark now I live here, but two years ago my husband and I hired a car and spent two weeks driving around the country - no problems at all.
I found most people were considerate, gave way, indicated etc.. -  bike riders are a different story however.
Having just moved from Turkey it's heaven - particularly as a pedestrian. It's such a nice feeling walking on to a pedestrian crossing where people stop for you instead of using you as a target point. :)

Hi, I have been here since December, and moved from England.  I drive 140 kilometers a day for getting to and from work, personally find the skill level very low.  The Danish drive much too close to the back of the cars they follow, especially on the motorways, you must stay aware of people pulling out on you in the country side, they never indicate when going round roundabouts.  There lack of awareness can be very worrying. It's not surprising though as the amount of traffic is much less compared to many other European countries, and a lot of Danes just used to having to be aware of traffic round them.  Still love the country though.