Getting around in Panama

What is the best way to get from Panama to David? Is there a train? By bus how much does it cost and how long does it take?

Google is your friend, and a lot easier then using this site!

There is only one train in Panama and it goes to Colon. The best way to get from PC to David is by bus. They are large and very comfortable, but they do turn the A/C up and so they are very cold, have a sweater or sweatshirt avaiable. Depending on the bus driver, the trip from PC is 6-7 hours. The last leg from Santiago to David is the roughest as they are expanding the old 2 lane highway to 4 lanes and it is about half way constructed. Many detours, stops for one way traffic and lots of rough payment and potholes still. The price was around $10 one way the last time I took it.

You can get a detailed explanation on taking the bus to the interior on the blog, "Panama For Real".
-Look under, "Nuts and Bolts"
-then click on, "Transportation in Panama"
-then click on, "Taking the Bus to Panama's Interior"

Also, has information on bus travel or just google "Albrook Bus Terminal to David"

thank you so much

Our bus driver was terrifyingly aggressive (others report the opposite). We regretted not flying and will do so next time. We will book right through.

Its a rather long drive.  We flew and saw some people in David who informed us that because of road issues it took longer than the supposed 6 hours.  That was in March, so if you plan to drive you may want to check the condition of the roads first.  Not sure where to check...though...maybe transportation dept.?