Can i find a job in amsterdam?

hi! my name is niraj shrestha. i am from nepal.i will soon be in  amsterdam for studying business.
i do not hav any working experience and dont know dutch language.
can i find find a job in amsterdam??
so that i can fund my studies and other expenses 
i am  afraid that i will be back home without having a degree.
any help would be appreciated..

Hi, and welcome to the forum.
Perhaps you'd like to post here … amsterdam/

You'll be more likely to get views, and post remain visible for much longer.
Good luck.

Hi, because of economy crisis in Europe,  Finding a job is difficult.  People who speaks the language,  have working experiences, and even highly educated who are willing to work lower than there level have difficulties in finding a job. Companies are hiring less people and they will rather hire people with experiences. But you can always try and apply for a job. There are also some who are not picky. Although they are hard to find. I wish you goodluck