Will a company sponsor me to work in Saudi as a single woman?


I currently live and work in Bahrain, and looking to make a move to Saudi (I grew up there with the family).

I am confused as some people are telling me that as a single Jordanian woman, i cannot get a visa/iqama to work in
Saudi without a guardian, while other people tell me I actually can... Can someone please clarify this for me?

Thank you,

Yes you can  :top:

If they are sponsoring your work visa or resident permit you can work as a single woman.

Its not true  at all  i know a lot of Jordanian doctors and nurses who is working  in  khobar
They are single and they are living in the hospital accommodation  don't worry  for arab single ladies  is not  that hard

Probably as a teacher , you could get a job

^^ as anything she can get a job....provided it's for women

thats if she can get a family visa firstly