Looking for Work

Looking to move to Belize, how is the employment?
I am a RN, would love to do nursing but am ready to bartend, waitress, cook, ect....
Americans with Advice?   Need your help, best way to purchase real estate?


Hello midwesterngirl4beach* and welcome to Expat.com

We have some interesting reading for you in our Living in Belize guide where you will find a lot of useful infos.

Also browsing through the forum will help gather other infos too.

Expat.com Team

In Belize a work permit is needed to do volunteer work and also for paid work or self employment.   at this moment, the Immigration department is not giving even voluntary workers permits.    Getting a work permit for paid employment is not going to happen.   mimimum wage is $1.75 an hour with the Belizean exchange at 1 US dollar equals 2 Belizean $.   Living costs are not cheap in Belize, regardless of what some of the publications lead you to believe.    There is a reason that so many people from Central America are flooding the USA,  -----    economic opportunity.   There are no jobs here and the pay is very low.    Also, there is an annual fee of $2000 to maintain a work permit if you have one.

Obviously you have not been here or you would not be asking this question.

Thank for the help ,no opportunity  out there on any level .how about if you purchase home and open your own business?

A person does not move to Belize to make a great living, only a better quality and slower pace of life.  With only 330,000 + people living there more financial success is likely by living and working in the more touristy areas.  Local massage therapists who have not had nearly the training as most U.S. Or Canadian therapists, they offer cheap massage services that undercut the true professional .  Owning your own business and hiring a local person seems to be the way to

My husband is a professional in an area where there is no Belizean counterpart.   thus after much buerocracy & expense, he was able to get a work permit and establish his own business.  His only employee is a woman who cleans his office once a week for $15 BD.   It costs $2000 a year.  plus the cost of operating the business, rent and utilities etc.  If he had to feed himself on his earnings, he would starve.   

While anything is possible, establishing a business here that will support someone is difficult and unlikely.   The population is too small.  The costs are too great.   Come if you must.   There are many things to enjoy about Belize.   Most people are more comfortable in Mexico, even with language issues.

midwesterngirl4beach* wrote:

2015: Advice  Looking to move to Belize, how is the employment?
I am a RN, would love to do nursing but am ready to bartend, waitress, cook, ect.... Americans with Advice?   Need your help, best way to purchase real estate?  THANKS  ENJOY

Midwest. Why Belize and only Belize? And why would you be looking to buy real estate, so soon? If you've already visited Belize on vacation, the best thing is for you to go back there on vacation and ask your questions. If you haven't already been - well, then you need to broaden your search for a nice place in the sun. You also need to tell EB members something about yourself.

I don't want to burst your bubble, but if you are planning on coming to Belize to work, you either have to have Residency or a work permit. Wages are low and there are not many opportunities. I have heard there are no more work permits being issued, but have no hard facts. Come here to visit first and see if you even like the country. It might not be what you expect. I live here because I am retired and have a steady source of income. I wish you well.