Language Barrier

I do wish to visit Germany, but I don't speak German. How do I cope?

You can cope by trying to learn the basics prior to your arrival. I'm sure the young population and those up to their 40's are able to speak english, they will just find you more polite when they see your effort in trying to learn theirs.

This free website will be very helpful if you are willing to put some effort into learning :)
Ielanguages-German Basic Phrases

I hope this helps you

Thanks. I will try

Almost all Germans speak English to an extend where you can have a basic communication with them, ask for the way, order food, etc.
For a visit, no German language skills are needed (things are, of course, very different if you want to live here and have social interactions with them).

Thsnks and GOD bless

Hi guys,one of my friend who lives in france told me that he learned basic french from an android app.German is also available in that app.I am using that app for a while and its very helpful....The name of the app is not an advertiser but this app is so good....check it in play store.

(The app has a green coloured owl symbol)

vikito wrote:

Thsnks and GOD bless

Which of the GODS do you mean?

Hi, you can speak English in Germany. We all learn English at school and you shouldn´t have a problem with your English.

You will do okay. As long as you can speak English.
Where are you going in Germany?
Good Luck
Harry Rowe