Anyone wants to swap LHD / EU lights for RHD /UK on Honda Civic 2010?

I have moved from UK to Sweden and I brought my car with me.
What I am looking for is LHD front lights for my Honda (Civic 1.8, 5 door, manual, model 2006-2011. I can't register it here in Sweden, or anywhere in Europe with the RHD pattern, so I'm hoping there is another Honda owner who has done the opposite - imported LHD car in UK from a country with LHD - they might need my UK type of lights. That way we can be useful to each other and will not need to buy another set of lights each. :thanks:

Have you tried:

Seeing if you can adjust the lights?
Looking for guides/asking car mechanics if they can cut the lights and re-fixate them for LHD pattern? If the casing is metal you can weld it using a soldering iron?
Using stickers for the test?
If stickers aren't allowed, asking for an exemption for the rules?