Filmmaker/photographer looking for work

Hi all! I am a filmmaker/photographer currently living Los Angeles, California (currently working in tv production) and would really like to relocate to Reykjavík. I was wondering if anyone might possibly know of an entertainment/media type job board that they could point me to, or if there is anyone I could contact who might have some suggestions or be open to speaking with me? Thank you!! -Claire

I'm not aware of any job boards off the top of my head, since Iceland's not really a "job board" kind of place. Most industries rely heavily on word of mouth to match skills with jobs, which can be difficult when you're trying to find work from abroad.

Two websites that might be able to help you are: (an Iceland-based film company that have been involved in some big international projects) (The association of professional photographers in Iceland)

Thank you ECS! I will definitely check those sites out :)