How are Chinese treated in Cairo?

Thanks for clarifying. Those of you that are wondering, I would suggest that you move around and open your mind. Even in Heliopolis where the UN and International Bank are you will meet a bunch of skilled black professionals hired from Africa/Europe/the US to come deliver services! Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong and I really support and value those black servants you are speaking about that are brave enough to come work in a not so friendly environment; I would personally not have in the same conditions and without the diplomatic privileges. Anyway for those living in Maadi come meet us at the BCA and CSA! I support multicultural exchange and friendship

Its a bit off topic for this thread but we have been discussing racism here... This is the experience of a lady living in Cairo here:

Warning! This is a vent. I usually don't do this but.
Started the three day weekend with a relaxing massage and manicure at a very well known spa. The masseuse was talented. However, at the end of my experience, I promptly had to tell the manager how disrespected I felt by one of their other employees. I understand some people here have an identity crisis and forget that this country is in Africa. You ARE African. Please stop disrespecting every brown person you see because of your disillusionment. Being Black here can be a nightmare. Countless times I've been blatantly disrespected or treated differently. I'm trying really hard to see the beauty in Cairo that others see here...that I've seen outside of Cairo hahaha.

如果你讲流利的阿拉伯语,附带开罗口音;讲当地人能听懂的笑话(幽默感在埃及很重要);偶尔能引用古兰经里的句子;在别人打喷嚏之后你知道该说什么,等等。 那么大家对你会非常尊重,也会很受欢迎。

当然,大多数人没有这个优势。所以 又有了 熟人 与 陌生人的区别。
1. 作为一个历史悠久的旅游城市,宰游客在开罗简直就是全民运动。上至 70老头,下至十几岁小孩,都有可能是忽悠高手。 你在街上通篇讲 英语,不宰你,没天理! 所以 你刚来逛几天街,一定会痛恨埃及人的。
2. 我自认为也去过不少不同文化的国家,但是 要说种族歧视,没有比在埃及让我体会跟深刻的了。 因为当时我在埃及住时,室友都是欧洲人和美国人,所以一起出门 会有一种强烈地无存在感。 和白人一起逛街 你就基本隐身了,没有人看见你,没有人和你讲话。 我在这论坛里 以前发过一篇文章 讲逛街的经历,你有兴趣可以看看。对黑人的其实那就不要提了。但是 你如果问埃及人都说他们没有种族歧视,但是你如果问 在埃及久居的外国人,几乎所有人都会说种族歧视很严重。
3. 女生会有比我们男生跟大的烦恼了。 这个你随便找个在埃及住过的女性问一下就知道了。 我就说我的一次经历。 有一会我和朋友早上5点半出去跑步,在对面的马路上,有一个女孩也在慢跑。在她身后不远,我们就看见一辆轿车尾随其后,里面坐俩个男的,一边冲着那女生吹口哨,一边讲话。时不时的大笑几声。那时还早,街上没人,我们就看着那车一路跟着那个慢跑的女生。所有我见过在埃及的外国女生,不管是哪个国家的,在埃及带一阵子后都变得异常凶悍,真是可以理解。

但是 埃及是个贫富差距悬殊的国家,受教育的程度也是天壤之别。所以 并不能把这些普遍的社会现象用来归结到所有人身上。

所有我认识的埃及朋友里,又是另一番景象。 其实 大多数埃及人对中国没有什么了解,大多数在埃及(全世界也是)的中国人其实也都只生活在自己的华人圈里面。 我的很多埃及朋友都说我是他们见过的第一个中国人。 所以其实他们对我们还是有天然的好奇心的,很愿意去了解。 所以如果是朋友的话,他们还真是挺热情的,也很乐意帮忙。

所以综上所述,你对埃及的印象 取决于 你接触的人群,你在埃及住的时间长短。而且,入乡随俗很重要。

Google translator doesn't help much, what do you want to say?

Is that Topic about "how are Chinese treated in Cairo?" or about How much Egyptian bad behavior!!!

i'm an Egyptian... sure not proud from some bad behaviors from few Egyptians.. but we respect here everyone from everywhere, we don't care about Skin Color, Religion or where from.. all are welcome in Egypt...

if everyone here started to mention the good attitudes from Egyptians.. will have uncountable good attitudes.. will not find at any other places ^^

I just knew someone will post this soon or later.

1. I DID NOT insult your religion anyhow.

2. I DID NOT insult Egyptian in anywhay.

3. Did you read that I said " you cannot conclude all Egyptian basic on what I experienced!" and Did you read that I also list good behaviors about Egyptian?

4. How ON EARTH you think you can completely understand what I said basic on translator??

5. She ask how are Chinese treated in Cairo? well, let's see: I AM a Chinese, and these are how I was treated in Cairo. No bias, just pure experiences. Am I wrong to write it down?

6. Beside, as an Egyptian, I'm sure you know MUCH MORE than I do that there're many many businessman, shops cheat on tourists everyday! And most  foreigners are tourists!Many of them come just for few weeks! They don't have chance to meet you MR.Good behavior! These business people might the only kind Egyptian they constantly meet! And they are EVERYWHERE!!  EVERYONE I KNOW who ever been to Cairo have experience been cheated! So Instead angry towards me for telling the truth, you should asking those business people, why they keep on cheating tourists for sooooooooooo many years? Why are they tarnish Egyptian hospitality and good reputation?!

IF you have a bigger heart, more tolerance, can listen others opinion or criticism, then you already show me your good behavior! and you will have my massive respect!

So MR.right! Don't try to prove you are right, because if You are truly right, nobody can bring you down! and stop !TELLING! foreigners how good your behaviors are. Do it, and make them feel it!

在埃及 个人认为 只要可以说一点阿拉伯语 生活会很容易!我来开罗5个月,一些时候 也有不少热心的埃及人帮助过我 ,当然也有一些人抱着其他目的~总而言之 ~埃及还算是一个温暖的国家!
关于文化 我接触了将近7年的伊斯兰文化 虽然仍旧不能融入 但是至少了解一些 做到尊重即可!
关于在埃及 你说的歧视 ,真的没有感触到过!欧美人也未必是发展中国家人眼中的高大上 实际上屌丝也不少!

wow.. look like you wanted to say that since long time not because my comment...
just a simple question why you thought i meant you?

i read comments and didn't like some things.. i think not only me ...
i respect your opinion.. "i have a big heart :p" don't attack anyone..

i didn't say there is who insult the religion or the Egyptians... did you do?

so, is that the way you treated here in cairo! just the bad things! amazing your experience is unique.

Who said i'm angry! i'm in tourism business since i was in 6 and studied Tourism Guidance.. so i know all what you meant... and trying to fight to make my country better.. not only me but most of Egyptians also..

is only in Egypt people who cheat? or in every country and every place there is who cheat? that what i believe "in everywhere on the earth there is who good and who bad" we just need to choose the good and try to fix who is bad... is the people where you came from is perfect?

i don't need or trying to prove or show my behavior for anyone... and no one brought me down because will not allow for anyone.. just still think there is no need to use your Nuclear weapon on me for my comment

Have a nice time everyone  :)

Joy_Shi wrote:

在埃及 个人认为 只要可以说一点阿拉伯语 生活会很容易!我来开罗5个月,一些时候 也有不少热心的埃及人帮助过我 ,当然也有一些人抱着其他目的~总而言之 ~埃及还算是一个温暖的国家!
关于文化 我接触了将近7年的伊斯兰文化 虽然仍旧不能融入 但是至少了解一些 做到尊重即可!
关于在埃及 你说的歧视 ,真的没有感触到过!欧美人也未必是发展中国家人眼中的高大上 实际上屌丝也不少!

我认为没有人会懂得你上边写下的述评 :)

Talking about cheating, sorry to say but I guess Egypt is not only om el donya but also motherland of cheating, hahaha.
My cousin spent some days with us over christmas with her little family. Wherever they went alone they weren't only cheated, no, ripped off! In Azhar park they told us we paid with a fake note in order to try to give us this fake note. The taxi drivers turn the meter up, they ended up paying 200 LE from Khan el khalili to Heliopolis, not only once, every.single.time! The taxi tried that with me, I gave him bloody hell! Many more stories like that, its not funny stories, this are criminals and they are the face of your Egypt. Its a sad fact that little tourists ever come back to Egypt after this experience. Have you ever been to the pyramids with a foreigner, Khaled? The salesmen, the horsemen, the guards - they make you hate them, yourself, the pyramids and all Egypt, really. No, its not like other countries, its far worse unless... You speak and understand arabic! That makes a huuuge difference. So if you want to live here happily its a must!

**sigh**. Alright, I apologize if my words sounds intense. and I probably overreact.    I lived in Cairo in 2009 and 2013,14. I had wonderful time in 2009, and feel sad and disappoint about the Chaos happened to Egypt these years. I have some friends died in the protest, some arrested. I have Zero interest about politics, but it's really uncomfortable to see some of your friend making politic jokes until other pissed off, and you are friend with both of them. since the Revolution, I feel everyone live in Cairo, include me, is like living volcano. sensitive and very easy to be offended. Yelling from protesters, yelling in the subway. Really miss Cairo 2009. And I bet you guys in the tourism business miss 2009 more than me :D    OK, so I'm sorry if offended anyone. 理解万岁。

BTW, please don't use that concept " Because there are plenty of people in other countries also cheat, So it's reasonable for us cheat too."  No no. I'm not say this to you. I say this to myself.  I often comfort myself that " Because there're some many dumb-ass stupid than me, so it's OK for me to be a fool too" and that's way I still can't speak Arabic :D

Joy_Shi wrote:

在埃及 个人认为 只要可以说一点阿拉伯语 生活会很容易!我来开罗5个月,一些时候 也有不少热心的埃及人帮助过我 ,当然也有一些人抱着其他目的~总而言之 ~埃及还算是一个温暖的国家!
关于文化 我接触了将近7年的伊斯兰文化 虽然仍旧不能融入 但是至少了解一些 做到尊重即可!
关于在埃及 你说的歧视 ,真的没有感触到过!欧美人也未必是发展中国家人眼中的高大上 实际上屌丝也不少!

吃饭睡觉就靠卖张皮 :D

你有这样高的视野说明你很有见识,但是你看,现在祖国实力也在增强,回望在二十年前的中国,大街上还不是见个垃圾也当宝贝。  不过,你我经历有所不同的一个很重要的原因是因为你是女生。 呵呵。 至于原因,我就不便在网上揭他们老底了。

"Caty in Cairo" i know... what you said happening all the time, for sorry there is more than that.. not only your cousin.. many of guests talked to me about that... the greed blind them eyes... just looking for them own advantage... not Egypt... we doing our best to stop that.. but the country economic situation not help... we trying to get back the hospitality like before...  :gloria

"Donysisi " Not at all... last few years was very hard for Egyptians so it was worse for who from outside...i was interested in politics much.. before my military service... it started a month before 30-6-2013 :p.. now time to work hard ^^
i understand you,,, i hope you understand me also...  ;)
the only way to speak Arabic by practice it most you can... it's not for studying   :top:

Donysisi wrote:
Joy_Shi wrote:

在埃及 个人认为 只要可以说一点阿拉伯语 生活会很容易!我来开罗5个月,一些时候 也有不少热心的埃及人帮助过我 ,当然也有一些人抱着其他目的~总而言之 ~埃及还算是一个温暖的国家!
关于文化 我接触了将近7年的伊斯兰文化 虽然仍旧不能融入 但是至少了解一些 做到尊重即可!
关于在埃及 你说的歧视 ,真的没有感触到过!欧美人也未必是发展中国家人眼中的高大上 实际上屌丝也不少!

吃饭睡觉就靠卖张皮 :D

你有这样高的视野说明你很有见识,但是你看,现在祖国实力也在增强,回望在二十年前的中国,大街上还不是见个垃圾也当宝贝。  不过,你我经历有所不同的一个很重要的原因是因为你是女生。 呵呵。 至于原因,我就不便在网上揭他们老底了。

ENGLISH please as this is an English speaking forum.
Thank you

I agree with Caty, a lot countries had these problems, so sorry to hear that if anyone  had bad experiences about it. But i agree that there are always exceptions. And i don't think these will disappear just because of some angry forum discussions on internet, it's pointless. 

Anyway, the main topic is about culture gap between china and Egypt.

Cheers everyone, enjoy life!

Donysisi wrote:

**sigh**. Alright, I apologize if my words sounds intense. and I probably overreact.    I lived in Cairo in 2009 and 2013,14. I had wonderful time in 2009, and feel sad and disappoint about the Chaos happened to Egypt these years. I have some friends died in the protest, some arrested. I have Zero interest about politics, but it's really uncomfortable to see some of your friend making politic jokes until other pissed off, and you are friend with both of them. since the Revolution, I feel everyone live in Cairo, include me, is like living volcano. sensitive and very easy to be offended. Yelling from protesters, yelling in the subway. Really miss Cairo 2009. And I bet you guys in the tourism business miss 2009 more than me :D    OK, so I'm sorry if offended anyone. 理解万岁。

BTW, please don't use that concept " Because there are plenty of people in other countries also cheat, So it's reasonable for us cheat too."  No no. I'm not say this to you. I say this to myself.  I often comfort myself that " Because there're some many dumb-ass stupid than me, so it's OK for me to be a fool too" and that's way I still can't speak Arabic :D

I somehow like the way you explain it, haha, and agree most of it. All in all,理解万岁!!