Making a big deal

Yesterday in NYC I met a a lovely couple from Spain who's been living in Cairo for the past 11 years and love everything about it. It was at the hotel where the Egyptian minsitr of Economy was staying . So my point is why everyone I ask an Egyptian about living in Egypt they make it sound that it's the worst place on earth.  Not sure why.

I guess simply because when foreigners come here they very quickly start capturing and observing stuff that they never had before. The other way around with Egyptians who can significantly realize what they want to change, with an eye on such stuff that are in someway or another abundant in other places.

What you may conclude eventually is that you shall try on your own and build your own prospect about Egypt.

I guess people come with different expectations. Egypt is not exactly the worst place on earth...i can think of a couple of others which are by far worse....but it can get overwhelming. Its a different culture that needs a lot of strength to get used to especially if you are coming from the west.....more so, for women. It has both good and bad, and i think most people focus on the bad. Otherwise here is a lot of good stuff here too.

Hi , my name is Ahmed i am egyptian , i work in singapore and wanna meet egyptian .

i saw your post and i thought it would be so nice if we can meet , what do you think ?
