Bringing a vehicle into dr

Did you have to pay severance?

Planner hopefully you were not surprised by this.

Bob K

not at all Bob. 

Gypsy : severance - called liquidation here is first based on time.  These guys didnt make it to 90 days, so no liquidation.

Thanks, good for you.  Yes, I forgot the word.

When managing staff first 90 days you watch for any "signs" because it only gets worse after 90 days.

Problems get worse and termination becomes more expensive.

Bob K

So true Bob.  Once employees are past 6 months everything settles in and its good.  Then the cost of liquidation is just a cost of doing business!  It should be "banked" that way.  Eventually all employees move on or businesses move on,  either way you will be paying liquidations of some amount,  just be ready for it.

Also like most household employees ours look at us like a bank and constantly take out loans (interest free of course).  We try never to loan more than what their liquidation would be so if they leave we are not "stuck".  Does not always work out that way but that is the goal.

Bob K

I am really careful about loaning to employees or anyone.  A friend of mine has a system,  he loans 1,000RD the first time - if he never gets it back that was the price for finding out who they are!!!!  Kind of works too...........LOL 

IF he gets it back then he carries on........

I am very hesitant to loan to employees - but they seem to handle it themselves in house.  One loans to the other at a ridiculous rate of interest............   problems arise when one is a supervisor of the other.............   

We don't approve of this practice but can't do much to change it as long as it happens offsite!

Here's what I know about shipping a car to Dr recently. (my parents just did it about 3 years ago)

So correct me if i'm wrong, which I could be, given that Dominicans run business based on who they know and If el primo can make it happen then is not a law to me (My  parents),  you can ship ONE car no matter how old it is (my parents shipped a 1997 honda CRV) as long as you have OWNED the car for at least ONE year prior to shipping, also the fees are waived if you send your house furniture along with it, you only pay the fees which apply at customs to extract your belongings. Now you can only do this once every 5 years from what I understand.

Now, shipping a car on its own without house furniture, needs to be at least 5 years old and must be owned for One year prior to shipping and the fees are much much higher. My parents did this again about a year or two ago because they wanted a newer car, and thought it was cheaper to ship from the states after all the fees, they realized they were better off buying there, not a new car but a certified used one. Yet they are still here shopping around for another car and are willing to pay the fees because they know what they're getting into, in DR car shopping is just a hassle, very shady business. Peace of mind will cost you time and money. 

The reason why they change cars so often is because my dad is on a quest to find the perfect vehicle to add Natural gas, a common thing in DR to off set the high gas prices, dangerous as hell., both the natural gas and the Gasoline prices.

This does not apply to expats.  Are you talking about Dominicans returning to the DR????

Rules are different for us pasty faced Expats.

Bob K