Life in Salvador

Before moving to this city, I would suggest knowing a few things first. Nobody speaks english, barely. You may bump into one every few days to a week, but all in all not. I would very much suggest to know portuguese to a reasonable standard before coming here as the situation can leave you feeling quite isolated.
  It is very hot here, if you like a cool breeze of an evening, this place is not for you.
The people are friendly.
The city is busy and very large.
The food is good.
The beaches are nice.

But there aren't jobs there.
I had former Seropolitanos to run the heck out of Dodge, happily living the USA.
They will tell you there is too much random violence out there. 
Good to visit, not to live.

This dude, they took him into  a car trunk and demanded ransom for money.

You want to live in Brazil, skip the exotic and settle for the average. 
South of Rio, you may include Minas Gerais and the Southern States. 

I heard Fortaleza was on a economical boom.   You may try your luck there if you crave pristine sandy beaches and blue waters.   

Just be mindfull about Sharks ( Recife, PE ).