Future of Expats in Libya

Dear Friends,

I created this post to share your opinions regarding the future of the expats in Libya in coming 3-5 years. As every one knows that the situation in Libya is not stable and all expats are not sure whether they will stay in Libya for coming 3-5 years or they have to go...

Those expats working in Oil and Gas industries even they are not sure that maybe these Libyans will take their places or not OR the demand of the expats will be more than before in coming 3-5 years...

So, please share your analysis and thoughts regarding the future of expats in Libya who are already working in different cities of Libya...

We completed  yesterday evacuation of 225 Turkish workers and I am trying to evacuate another 206 Vietnamese now. So not for the coming 3 5 years I have no idea what may happen in 1 month ahead.  If there is anyone surely he is a fortune teller.

so guys how does it look now...?

With the rise in lethal attacks on Libyan oil fields (very possibly by Islamist groups), and the complete inability of the Libyan "authorities" to prevent such attacks or even react properly to them, it is unlikely that Libya would be an attractive place to work for Oil-Industry expats anytime soon.