Help the mood

What do you guys do when you're so depressed ?  :(

Hang out with some friends, go to karaoke, sing some favorite songs. Then go to restaurant to eat some favorite food.
After comming back home, sleep or talk to a friend.
Tomorrow always is a new day! And don't bring the sadnees to new day.

Thank you ! But I think I don't have time to karaoke on weekday. Anyway thanks for your suggestion again ^_^ have a nice day !

Everybody gets depressed from time to time, it's no big deal.  Losing one's job, breaking-up with a partner, grieving the loss of a loved one, not having many friends, not having a purpose in life, are all causes of depression in many people.  Most people will eventually feel better, but if you feel depressed on a consistent basis, ie., weeks/months, I'd suggest you look at the first two points below.  Depression isn't fun, but it can be managed.  I'm not a Dr. or a therapist; just a guy who deals with depression on a daily basis.

Things to do when you're depressed; in no particular order:

- seek help from a Dr., however, many will just prescribe anti-depressants (which you may or may not need)
- talk to a counselor
- talk to a friend or a family member that you trust; not all friends or family members will understand depression, so make sure you're comfortable talking to them about your issue(s)
- eat healthy and nutritious foods, i.e., veggies, fruit, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, healthy oils.  Avoid sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs and cigarettes
- get some exercise.  Weight training and cardio training cause the body to release endorphins (feel-good hormones)
- go for a walk and spend some time surrounded by nature
- surround yourself with true friends and have some fun
- don't do anything, just accept the fact that you're feeling down and see if tomorrow will be better
- watch an uplifting movie, i.e.., comedy, action/adventure, biography
- read self-help books.  Many of them are full of crap and fluff, but they do provide some temporary relief from your troubles
- keep a journal and record your thoughts and experiences; maybe you'll find reasons why you're depressed
- don't feel bad or guilty for feeling depressed
- take a course and study something
- volunteer (how is it possible to feel depressed while helping somebody else!?)
- join a group and meet new people

I hope this helps

Eat, hang out, shopping and make myself be more beautiful  :whistle:

These advice do help me much ! Many thanks ^_^ Do you follow one of the advice to feel better whenever something makes you down ?

Girls always know the way ;) It's been a long time since my last make up :(

A walk in the park or take a bus around to let your mind wander about other things will be helpful. Take up some activities, I can recommend that you go to youth center and take up Latin dance classes. Yoga and meditation is good too by the way.