Cosmetology School

Is there a cosmetology school in Santiago? What is the tuition cost? How long is the course? Is a license required to practice cosmetology in the DR?

Not sure about the school  but there is no license requirement to set up shop or practice cosmetology.

What about massage planner :cool:

Actually yes a lic is required for massage.  About two years ago the government came and swept through Sosua and Cabarete and closed down all the places that did not have lic nor lic for the therapists.  It was there way to close down a lot of the "rub and tug" shops but also caught a couple of ligit ones as well


Wow Bob.....The cleanup is really happening......Now if they could only controlled the Tigres who engage in less than colorful activities, life would be great.

Ahhhh those rose colored glasses again.

Yes things are being cleaned up ....somewhat. Still lots available for everyone but more stress on control

Bob K

And most massage people just practice without a license, including in the resorts....  they just reopen a bit later....

Yes but some of the more notorious shops are gone as well as the girls.

Bob K

Probably a good thing...

A very god thing. Sosua is starting to look a bit different in a very good way. Still lots of girls around for the "boys" but being more restricted to certain areas and not as bothersome to the rest of us as they used to be.  It is actually lots of fun now to got town at night for dinner and entertainment.

Bob K

Nice to hear Bob!!!!