Country safe to live?

How far this country is safe to live with family 👪 members. How about job opportunities.......

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Paraguay is a fairly safe country with the main crime problem being property crime, especially in Asuncion the capital where over 75% of the population lives.   But even with this I think Asuncion is one of the safest capitals in Latin America without a doubt.   There are problems with narco's and revolutionaries up in the northeastern province near the Brazilian border but so far it hasn't infested the rest of the country.  Sort of like the Kashmire region in India.

Jobs opportunities for expats are pretty much non existent unless you want to teach English or have a technical skill that is in short supply.  Keep in mind you cannot legally work until you get your permanent residency though.  The jobless rate is pretty high and most employers will hire Paraguayans over foreign workers as the pay is low.   Most Paraguayans are very happy if they can earn the government "minimum wage" of just under 2 million Gs a month (about $400 US).