Difficulties to make equivalent our degree in Spain

We are university graduates and we are encountering enormous difficulties to make

equivalent our degree in Spain and in many other European Union countries.

The aims of this petition are:

• to show up the protectionism of domestic workforce by some states of the European Union, which act contrarily to the free movement of workers within the Union;

• to denounce unfair provisions in the exercise of professional activities within the Union;

• to publicly share the too many bureaucratic and economic obstacles to obtaining the
approval of a degree equivalence in such countries;

• to claim the respect for the distinctiveness of every country education system;

• to remind to the European Member States the obligation to apply the Union compromise of "promoting mobility and removing obstacles to the free exercise of
professional activities" stated by the European Directive on the new European Space
for Higher Education.

Based on the principle of reciprocity, by which the nationals of each Contracting State
shall enjoy in the territory of the other the recognized rights in their original country,
we call for the elimination of the disproportionate registration procedures and the wide
recognition for the exercise of professional activities within the European Union.

Sign: chn.ge/11ifYXy

I agree