Road trip Miami >Los angeles

Hello everybody, I'm a 22 years old french guy and would like to find 3-4 people to travel with. I'm currently in Miami beach, I would like to set a road trip plans, where we can stop, party, sleep,... and this road trip would takes around 3 weeks.

What is your budget for this trip?  What is your mode of transportation?  Where do you intend to sleep?  Camping?

So I will not say my budget but I 'm sure that I have more than enough for a 3 weeks road trip. I would like to rent a car with 3 people, I saw that a car is not expensive for 3 weeks and even more. And I don't know yet where iiI want to sleep. That's why I want to fins some people here in miami meach miami to plan our trip. An d now If we are 4 we could find motels, hotels, hostels not expensive.

Hostels aren't as much of an option in the US, but you can find cheap motels along the way. I'd hit New Orleans and Austin on your way though. You could probably spend a week or two in LA and have a great time--there's a lot to it. Check out San Diego if you get a chance too. Much preferable to LA in my opinion.

Quantup wrote:

Hostels aren't as much of an option in the US, but you can find cheap motels along the way. I'd hit New Orleans and Austin on your way though. You could probably spend a week or two in LA and have a great time--there's a lot to it. Check out San Diego if you get a chance too. Much preferable to LA in my opinion.

Notice this is from November 2014.