International Men's Day

International Men's Day is coming up November 19th. I was thinking of holding a desert Korean bar-b-q and pot luck on the 20th so it does not fall on a work day.  And we can discuss some of the issues and how we can help improve men's situation. This year's topics are:

Keeping men and boys Safe by tackling male suicide;

• Keeping boys safe so they can become tomorrow's role models;

• Tackling our tolerance of violence against men and boys;

• Boosting men's life expectancy by keeping men and boys safe from avoidable illness and death;

• Keeping men and boys safe by promoting fathers and male role models.


Are you serious?


iamthere wrote:

International Men's Day is coming up November 19th. I was thinking of holding a desert Korean bar-b-q and pot luck on the 20th so it does not fall on a work day.

Great Idea; I will be more intrested in a desert trip and a BBQ; rest everything you can handle ;)

I need a bar b q grill, does anyone have one? Also, i think I might have like a 10 riyal fee or something to cover the beef samgypsa.

Please email me what you will be bringing. We will met at Grenada Mall at 6:30. Entrance 3 on November 20th. 10 riyals for the beef samgypsa. and a potluck dish. Did I forget anything? Cut off date is going to be the 19th.

I have received a personal threat. I will still be having the Korean BBQ, but the meeting location has changed. You need to text me to get the location.