Do expats meet somewhere in Alexandria? Is there some kind of a club?

I was wondering if the expats have some kind of a club or places where they meet to share their Egyptian experience... Do you do that??? Thanks

Usually they know each other from the places that they study or work in, otherwise they gather online and meet. There are some places where they go to usually, but its not like for meeting new's just  likable places for them where you always find expats there.

Hi Mona,

I will be arriving in 3 weeks so this information would be good for me to know also.

Anyone of you guys would like any kind of help or have an inquire you can have my phone number, or you can text me here, and i would be glad to help you. Im not actually from here but i lived in Alexandria from 2004 till 2008, and now i came back again since last December, so i think i know enough about life and community of the city.

There used to be the portugese club in Kafr Abdo where lots of foreigners meet up. the website couchsurfing seems to be good to meet local people and there are many local hangouts which if you go regularly you will begin to meet people. Facebook also helps put you in touch with expats in your area. Depends which area you go to of course. The local restaurants have little books which they give away monthly of meetings etc.

[Moderated: pls post in the Language classes in Alexandria section]

I guess we could use this topic to make something counts same as cairo forum as its active and meet on a weekly basis. Any suggestions?
my suggestion is to deal with some sort of a classy cafe in a hotel like Azur to reserve a table with nice view where expats meet and enjoy the view and there is another one in the BA (Alexandria library).

There are the Alexandria sporting club, Greek club, cosy, and excellent atmosphere for socializing.

that's fine for the place ... any suggestion whether to fix a specific day for gathering or keep it by arrangement.

hi jane
portoges club i think its closed
iam in alexandria and there another lot of bars and foreigners meeting iam live in alex and my fiance american live here
keep in touch
and find me on fb
mike arsenal fc

Well I don't know if I am too late or not but I started something where I volunteer to help anyone with their English every Friday morning and I invite all my Expat friends to come and enjoy a good day full of jokes and games and getting to know more people so it could also be a chance for Alexandria to have a weekly gathering again please contact me if you wish to know more.