Suburb of Krakow

I'm reading my grandmother's memoirs. She was a resident of Krakow and a Holocaust survivor.

"we moved to a village called Why-give-neek-ee (ph), which was a suburb of Krakow. Why-give-neek-ee (ph) is a big city now.  At that time (1941) it was a country."

Any idea what Polish word she is saying here?

Hello stvr

Welcome to!

Hope that somebody help you out with that ;)

Best Regards

It is so interesting that you learning te history of your grandmother

Probably you are looking for Lagiewniki (Łagiewniki). This is one of southern districts of Cracow, it is not seperate city anymore.

It sounds like Łagiewniki.

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Olivier Team

There also are Łagiewniki near Wroclaw (about 1h South)