Pls help in finding an accommodation in Milan

4 students (2 girls, 2 boys) from India are visiting Milan, Italy for studies in Bocconi university- date of arrival is 31.08.14 & date of departure is 23.12.14. since all belong to middle class families, their budget is limited (100 to 200 EUR per person per month). can any body help in finding a suitable accommodation for the period.
pls reply at ashuashwini at the rate yahoo dot com.

If you click on the FORUM tab in the green banner at the top of the page, then scroll down through the list of countries to ITALY click on it this will open the ITALY FORUM, where you will get a much better response by posting this topic there.

Hi ashu1343,

Your topic is now on the Milan forum for more visibility and for a better interaction with the other members.

Concerning accommodation, i advise you to drop your request in the Housing in Milan section, however make sure to select the category that suits you the best and do mention your budget and the type of accommodation you are looking for, fully or unfurnished etc.

Thank you and good luck,

Priscilla  :cheers:

thanks a lot.