Open vacancies in teaching English field

Hi all :)

Newbie here to website, originally from Pakistan, but been residing in UK for past 24 years. Would like to move back if the right job pops along- any help with open vacancies in teaching English field would be a great help.

Pakistan  hasn't got the culture of "native english speakers teachers "

I will recommend that you look at the opportunities in Dubai, and if you are a little religious I would suggest Saudi Arabia.

These are the places where you could have a wonderful carrier in teaching.

Hello Zaybee,

I agree with what ever you have said but you are missing the main point.

In Pakistan Berlitz offers a package of Rs. 65000 to 85000 pm . inclusive of all allowances.

In Dubai and Saudi the Native English speaker teacher gets SR 13000 to SR 20000 plus accommodation, airline tickets, car , health , kids education etc.

If you have the choice now, why not avail the best!