Finding skilled work and a visa for Cuba

Cuba understanably put's Cubans first in regards for employment. Getting in the EU will seem like eating ice cream compared to moving to and working in Cuba. Plus the averagr person doesn't speak english so a good command of Spanish will be beneficial. I've heard there is little class distinction in Cuba. But actually How Hard is it for a foreigner to get a work and residence visa for Cuba?

In two short words: im possible!

SouthLondon wrote:

Cuba understanably put's Cubans first in regards for employment. Getting in the EU will seem like eating ice cream compared to moving to and working in Cuba. Plus the averagr person doesn't speak english so a good command of Spanish will be beneficial. I've heard there is little class distinction in Cuba. But actually How Hard is it for a foreigner to get a work and residence visa for Cuba?

It depends; it is not impossible, but is very hard. Usually the foreigners working in Cuba have a contract with a foreign company in Cuba. So, the Cuban Gov, gives a work permit which will alow you to have a temporary visa in Cuba. To give you an exemple, if British Airways has representatives in Cuba, they could be British citizens with a work permit (and a temporary visa) in Cuba, delivered by Cuban Gov

Work? in two words im possible but at $20 a month you won't miss it
Residence? In advisable