Daily live costs in Santiago?

Hi! My name is Sylvana. Me and my family are currently based in Costa Rica, but ready to move. Both Montevideo and Santiago are options for us to go to. But a lot questions come up considering to move to Chile. Could somebody tell me something about the daily live costs in Santiago? Housing (we need a 4 bdr furnished (!) house), elecricity, water, gas, schools, gasoline and food. I'd be very happy if you could help me out!

Hi Sylvana,

I have created a new thread with your post on the Santiago forum for more visibility.

I suggest you to browse through the different forum categories available on the Santiago forum, you may find some useful information. :)


Priscilla  :cheers:

For cost of living try this website www.numbeo.com

Hi Sylvana, a flat near downtown could costs from 800 to 1200 US dolars with 3 bedrooms (including common expenses), A flat 30 - 40 minutes from downtown could costs from 600 - 850 US dolars. But usually has 3 bedrooms.

A 4 bedroom house around Las condes will be not less than 1400 dollars  and higher if you are looking fully furbished. It takes 30 minutes to the city centre. private schools around the area start from 500 dollars a month, water, electricity, gas and other expenditures will be around 250 dollars a month. for a house, units are more expensive as you have concierge and common expenditures. Hope this info helps