Listrik PIntar


What is Listrik Pintar? How does it work?
How does its electricity-measuring meter work?

Does Listrik PIntar translate into Smart Meter...?
Do these meters use some of the technology used in Smart Meters?

I've done some research on Smart Meters, but my lack of Bahasa, makes it hard for me to understand and make sense of the Electricity Metering systems available by PLN....

This is more an open question, as I'm mostly just fishing for any kind of technical information...
Any answer(s) would be most welcome...!  (I'm a complete newbie when it comes to this topic...!)

It's a prepay meter.
You buy a token (from an ATM/post office/loads of other places) and it prints a ticket with a long number.
Pop that number into your meter and you have electricity.
They bleep (a lot) when your credit is running out.

100k gets you 96 units of electricity. This amount lasts me over a week. I am running 2 ac, water pump, washing machine, rice cooker, baby bottle sterilizer etc and they consume lots of power. For me it is far easier to manage the cost and I am happy to have the meter. As Mas Fred said you can buy pulsa in so many places and with no fuss. ATM is easiest for me but also indomaret and various other places.
