Our eventual dream is to move to the Gorenska region of Slovenia.

We are long term planning for an eventual move to Slovenia and really wonder in reality how plausible a dream it actually is. My partner is in the RAF so would not be able to transfer across and my working role would become defunct. Advice on how to start planning, is it realistic? And how to overcome the language issue (any courses recommended).... Thanks :) also cost of living etc...

Hello i hope i can help you by writing this comment, it is realistic ifu want live in slovenia if u have eniugj miney for living in few years here, othe way you will end up bankrupt here because employment here-if u will have normal job here then u will just live day after day without earning some money. Salary will go on all basic expenses. Unless if u will have your own business and learn how tonexpand it, otherway it is not realistic and practical to live here without having enough money for sustaining needs and building own business, because in the end u will regret moving here and wished u did not do that move. But experience is the best teacher so do all things with thinking with your own head many times if it will be good for yourself because at the end of the day its yourself who matters and not other people because nobody can help u in times of crisis

hello SammyN 22
Nice that you guys have a dream plan. So coz of region I'm guessing that you like mountains and i have to say this region is really nice and close to other nice places around it. Anyway about jobs, well since you don't speak slovene it's gonna be hard to get one but dont give up. Gorenjska is quite touristy like so at the end you can try to make some sort of home turism which is gaining on popularity since people want to escape the city life at least for a week to charge their batteries before they go back. Gorenjska region is also close to Italy and Austrian border where you can also try and Ljubljana is not far as well. And about slovene, well most people speak English in fact they would love to have a neighbor with whom they can practice, especially younger generations:) And at the end with any Slovenian word you gonna learn you'll be repaid back. Slovenes love when foreigners try to learn our language. I hope I have helped you guys! Adijo!