Hello everybody,

I would ask all members on the Brazil Forum to please read all similar topic postings before posting your questions on the forum.

Especially questions regarding visas and finding jobs in Brazil all have been asked and answered many times. If you take the time to look through those topic postings you are almost certainly going to find your answers. If after searching for a while you aren't able to find an answer that is specific to your situation then please feel free to post your questions here.

At the top of the Brazil Forum page you will find a search box entitled "Search Brazil Forum". If you type in something like, "how long is my visa valid", "how can I find a job in Brazil", "what is the cost of living in Fortaleza", etc., you will get a list of related postings that you should read.

Just remember, every time someone asks a question that has been asked and answered several times, that requires a response from someone, time that could better be used to help someone who has a question that hasn't been dealt with before on the forum. It is really not that difficult to search for the information you need and your understanding and cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated, by me and by all the other members of the forum too because it will free up my time to answer questions that haven't already been dealt with.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


Great Idea

:) helpful!

It is a very helpful suggestion. It seems many people who post do not search the forum first for any information on the subject matter before posting. Many posts are totally unnecessary and people then repeat the same answer over and over again.