STC 4G Routern Internet IP address - How to change the Internet IP Add

I have bought an STC 4G router recently. I have a small network and my network IP address starts with 100.x.x.x, so when I want to join the STC 4G router to my network I cannot do so because the internet IP address my STC modem takes is also starting with 100 and it give an error "Invalid ip address. The first segment cannot be the same as that of the WAN IP address. The WAN IP address is 100.x.x.x"

I have contacted STC 909 but i couldn't get it fixed from them as they do not understand the problem, as per their testing criteria my connection is working fine ...period.

If someone has a solution to this problem pls. share.


your STC router/modem is your gateway. you have your own local network ip, right? try youtube for tutorial. if not pm me, i can teach you Windows and Cisco server and network administration.