Vintage stuff store in Rio de Janeiro


where in Rio de Janeiro I can buy posters like these?

Hello aliismayilov,

Unfortunately new members are not allowed to post outside links on the blog.

If you can find a Google image of the poster (or similar one) or if you can scan what you're looking for and save it to your photo library, then you can post it here as an image by clicking on the icon in the toolbar above the message that shows the picture frame and chain link. Paste the URL of the image in the box you'll find in the drop-down window and the field below c = center or l = left for alignment then click OK and the image will show up in your post when you click SUBMIT. It will then look something like this.....

That way we can see what you're looking for and maybe somebody can put you on the right track.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team

Like these ones

There is a picture frame shop in Botafogo Praia Shopping, Av. Botafogo Praia No. 400 that I believe sells posters. It is located on the ground floor. It is right beside the entrance nearest the escalator (escada rolante). Just ask one of the security guards where that is. If you enter off of Av. Botafogo Praia then just keep to your left, go towards the back of the mall and it will be on your left right next to the next entrance you come to.

I think that this shop is part of a chain of stores, so there actually might be one in every shopping mall. If there is a mall closer to you try there first.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team