Expat blog gatherings in the Massachussets

Hi all!

What about meeting the other Massachussets Expat.com members in real life? Organizing an Expat.com meet up would be an excellent way to know them! :)

An Expat.com meet up can be a diner gathering, having coffee, a bring and share in a nice place, a cultural or sports activity, etc. There are plenty of possibilities: just imagine a pleasant way to meet new people and old friends from Expat.com.

Feel free to organize Expat.com get-togethers in the Massachussets: you would meet the other members in a friendly atmosphere and have a good time together!

Of course, we could offer some help to organize your meet up and to inform the community.

So, who's in? Do not hesitate to start a new thread to suggest an Expat.com gathering in the Massachussets. ;)



Coucou Julien, moi j'suis bien interessee, je suis Algerienne, j'habite a Boston depuis 4 ans maintenant et j'aimerai vraiment connaitre plus de gens, expat, etudiants etc...je bosse dans l'immobilier.

Tiens moi au courant de quand vous voulez organiser le gathering et je serai ravie d'y participer et d'en faire partie

Au plaisir de te relire,


cc ,cava ?

Salut tout le monde ,je suis Massil et je vis a los angeles et j'aimerai vraiment rencontrer les gens surtout de notre pays natale.



Salam je suis algerien qui vit en Belgique, je suis venu a los angeles en juin 2013 et jai vraiment aimer j espere revenir tu fais koi ds la vit la bas

This is an English only forum.

Hi all,
Thank you Julien for the idea. Yes, it's interesting to do a meet up in Massachusetts. I would like to meet people and have friends. My name is Fatima, I'm from Morocco, I have been 4 years in US, Boston. I have been a French and Arabic teacher in my country for 15 years. Now, I'm looking for a job.
Thank you