Would like to settle in Prague

Hi I'm Argentina and I would like to meet people from the Chez Rca or Prague  :)

nice to meet you!


I'm Argentina, I was a year ago in Prague and I am happy.
I'd love to go and live in Prague. There is work for foreigners? that activities can be done?
The English language or need to learn Czech.
Greetings to all and thank you very much!


My name is Khan and I work for a travel industry which is about to deliver worldwide support to its clients.

So, we are planing for that a office is required in Europe.


Hi Fabi Ana14,

I created a new topic with your posts on the Prague forum in order to give much more visibility to your questions. :)

I will advise you to create a new topic for the different questions that you are asking as this will help you to receive more specific answers from the members.


Hi khanNN,

If you are about to propose a job on the forum, please note that we have an appropriate section for it ;)
So feel free to post your ad here : https://www.expat.com/en/jobs/europe/cz … ic/prague/

Thank you,

Priscilla  :cheers: