English-Greek translation

I wanted to get the tattoo in Greek that says "When all is gone, there is still hope".  My friend got it translated as "οταν ολα εχουν τελειωσει, υπαρχει ακομα ελπιδα"
Is this completely accurate?

hello,I am here in Athens and my husband is Greek,I just phoned him at his job and he says that the translation is absolutely correct.

this is another version for it:

''Όταν όλα θα έχουν χαθεί, υπάρχει ακόμα ελπίδα''

Hope you choose mine ;)

HI.. i would say it is accurate. I would just name hope as a thing and put an article in front of it...
meaning.. "Oταν ολα εχουν τελειωσει, υπαρχει ακομα η ελπιδα"

yes, the translation is correct.