Hanoi's Weather

Today, the weather in Ha noi is cold, have not sunny, some time it is drezzling, so make you feel tired.

There may be many people who are considering a move to Hanoi in the future, and would like an expat's overall view of the weather there during different times of the year, not just what's going on today. If you've lived in Hanoi for some time, maybe you could share that with everyone.

Now, it is early winter in Hanoi, weather is a little bit cold at morning and evening. In noon, the weather is getting warm and sunny. If you have tendency to travel in Hanoi or North Vietnam at this time, you should bring warm clothing. It is very nice to enjoy a hot bowl of Pho ( Vietnamese noddle) in this cold winter night in Hanoi.

In winter
The weather is dry, cold: In the morning and night, it usually colf and have fog; in noon the weather warm up and have a little sunny.
In spring
The wheather is wet, temperature around 20c and some time cold. But In the morning it usually drizzling, some thime drizzling all day.
In Summer
It is hot, sunny and poluted.
In autumn
I think it is the most reason in the year. The weather wamp, sunny and all tree change color of leaves. But some have storm.
You can consider move to Hanoi from octorber to march.

Yeah... so cold and feel fall asleep :((. headache too.

Today 3dec, , the weather is very nice. It is cold but have sunny and wind. Take photo, walk around with somebody ... will very be great.
And have nice week!