Taking care of my family

I am a US citizen who is married to a wonderful women from the Philippines, I receive Social Security Benefits. If I died would she be entitled to receive my benefits. She is not a US citizen and also I adopted her daughter as my own, what about her?
Thank you

Does she have a green card? She is eligible through marriage. Do yall live in the US, or the Philippines? She get a green card (which gives her a social security number), but must maintain the green card by traveling to the US every 6 months.

If she is not living in the US and is not a citizen, I get the feeling from the website that she may not be eligible:
"If you are not a United States citizen, the law requires us to stop your payments after you have been outside the United States for six consecutive calendar months unless you meet one of several exceptions in the law allowing your benefits to continue.  Most of these exceptions are based on your country of citizenship, residence or on other conditions."

Here are some helpful sites
SS FAQ: http://ssa-custhelp.ssa.gov/
SS outside of US: http://ssa-custhelp.ssa.gov/app/answers … kw/foreign

It also may be helpful to re-post in the Philippines forum. There are probably some other guys in your same position that would know more details.