Getting Pregant in Maldives outside marriage

Hi All,

I am an expat and my boyfriend is an expat too here in the Maldives. We both have never been married.

Will this create an issue with the company I am working based on the Maldives Labor Laws?

I have run through these laws and it is never a problem nor grounds for termination or dismissal because of pregnancy or marital status.

Please let me know your legal opinion on this.

I would be glad to know.

Thank you very much.


it all depends on the company you're working, most of the companies are fine with it. By Law you cannot be sleeping in the same place unless you're married, but these laws are hardly enforced, if not never enforced on expats.

As two expats living in the Maldives, my boyfriend and me never had a problem with this situation. We worked in resorts and now on a local island, and it's fine.
We tell people we are married to avoid any confusion on our "status" but on paper regarding every administrative thing, we are not married.

Sorry, just realised I answered to the wrong post. My answer is about being married as expat to work in the Maldives.
I don't know about pregnancy.
