5 good reasons for living in Turkmenistan


if someone asks you the best reasons for making the choice to live and stay in Turkmenistan, what would be your top 5?

Thanks in advance for participating,


1) It's independant country
2) We are rich with oil and gas
3) It's a calm place to live
4) Free gas, electricity, water, trash
5) People are very simple


Thanks for your input Guljahan ;)

Hello everyone
I am interested to come Turkmenistan beacause my husband is working in Tukmensitan, I would like join him, have any body some ideas how to come there? my hubby is working  by contract and stayed very long 6 months I bored staying alone here. :(

Hello man22ga,

Kindly note that this thread is nearly one year old!

If you wish to have better interaction, I would suggest you to create a new thread.



Ok thanks