BPKB-Strange faktur

I bought a new Toyota Innova G from PT Agung Automall, Gianyar, Bali, in January 2010. I paid cash Rp. 225,300.000.
In every civilized country if you buy a new car, you get the ownership paper with the vehicle. Here in Indonesia the Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor (BPKB) takes about 4-5 months till you get it. Can anybody tell me WHY?
When I finally received the BPKB there was a "Faktur" from PT Toyota Astra Motor, Jakarta, attached to it, which shows an amount of Rp 154,391.000. Can anybody explain to me, why there is a difference of about Rp 75 Mio? My letter to Agung Automall has not been answered so far.
Thanks a lot!


I have nothing to say but obviously something is going wrong.  Here in Indonesia when you buy a vehicle then you will get STNK first then BPKB, the process depend on then agent but definitely not 5 months.

Also about the difference of 75 million is unacceptable.  I don't know if the RP 225,300,000 is the On Road price or not but definitely 75 million difference something that serious you need to find out.  Most possible you bought not direct from first hand but already third party.

My advise check directly to PT. Toyota Astra Motor who issued the faktur.  Sometimes in this country much better if you came direct to the office than just by sent a letter.  So just make clarification with Astra and PT. Agung Automall.

Good luck and wish you get good clarification.


Thanks. How can I do it? How would you do it?

Dear Dr. MichaelBeer..

I've consult your matters to my colleague who working as police and friend who working as manager on one of car showroom. They both said you go to the showroom which you bought your car find the manager or supervisor and also the sales who sale your car at that moment and bring invoice or letter which prove you paid cash... and you ask to them about the price is on or off the road? if on the road price, you ask their explanation *details* why your BPKB need 4-5months? and if they say that because police matters, it's ridiculous...because after they paid for BPKB and STNK, police will directly give your BPKB. You can report this to police because you have invoice and faktur letters. Dont be hesitate to report your case to the police ;).. Have a good day

Thanks a lot. You must be a dreamer... To report anything to the police. But I take it as a nice try. My guess is that somebody put the money for 5 months on a bank account took the bunga ...

Here in Jakarta, customers will get the whole document the latest in a week. You must've been scammed. It's not supposed to happen in a civilized country like Indonesia.

Thank you, I do believe so. But what can we do? In a civilized country asking for an investigation would probably help, but in an OVERcivilized country...
I will ask Automall when I go there the next service, what was the reason for the 5 months delay

from what i know ,usually that the faktur price is different with what you paid to dealer, even motorbike too.
because the price on faktur usually before tax, there is import tax,luxury product tax,etc
but for the delay 5 month is totally strange