Let's Talk Alcohol

Hi All,

    My wife and I do love a margarita occasionally.  I enjoy whiskey too.  How available is alcohol, and how is the selection?  Please and thank you!

PS, I have not been able to locate a search option so I do not repeat questions.  Is there one? (god, I hope it's not obvious)

Alcohol is definitely available, and the selection is pretty decent. However, be prepared to pay around $45 or $50 for anything that's mid-shelf and imported (jose cuervo or jack daniels), since Correa has raised the taxes a lot on imported liquors. But you can find some cheap and decent rum or vodka(not shot worthy necessarily, but fine if you mix them). Bar prices have also reached almost US prices too, most bars don't have drinks cheaper than $5 or $6, but many do have two for one specials on certain drinks (though mainly rum and vodka based ones).
Hope that helps!

You are allowed to bring in three liters per custom declaration (some say per person, but my wife saw them taing alcohol from those trying that little trick - others say that they have done it.)

Of course you could come on separate flights and load up with no issues.

Thank you for your answers!  I was beginning to think the occasional drink was frowned upon.  I live in the PNW and we have outstanding beers.  I was thinking about making my own when I get there.  Does anyone do this?

Johnny Walker is pretty common here.  We love Whiskey here.  Expect to pay a bit more for liquor but if you like BEER I would like to recommend a local beer called CLUB ROJA. 

It is comparable to Newcastle and I enjoy it often at about a $1.00 a pop.

Pilsener is the more common beer here and the closest comparison I can give of this brew is that of a Corona or a Taurino.


Also @ Bryon, make your own would be nice here since it is a bit hard to find.  Good luck!

Do the Ecuadorians not drink much beer, or alcohol?  We are not big drinkers by any stretch of the imagination.  We have one drink, once or twice a week.  Just curious, and grateful for the input.


we drink a lot, any excuse is good to get some beers or something strong than beer.

So there's some serious problems with alcoholism, many teenagers start drinking too early, they take their parents as an example and is very common to see parents drinking with their young kids.

There's a different social status on drinking, too. If you have money you can afford to buy whiskey, Rum, Vodka, imported of course, if not you buy local licor, And if you're poor you buy destilled cane or other suspicious alcohols from your neighbor.
