Language exchange/partner and EVS volunteers

Hello! Olá!

My name is Mafalda and I'm a 21 year-old portuguese girl who is moving to Slovenia soon (around February 1st) as an EVS volunteer. I can't wait!

Anyway, I would like to know some basic and random words and expressions before I go there. You know, to be aware of the language (though they are going to teach me when I arrive).

I also would like to know some other EVS volunteers or people from there, especially Slovenske Konjice.
Anyway, but lets take this easy since I'm new here and I need to prove that I'm trustful :P

So I want to send you good energies and wish you a very nice day ^^

Hello Mafalda.

Welcome to! :)


Hello Mafalda!

Welcome to and almost welcome to Slovenia. My name is Eduardo. I'm an Spanish boy that is also doing the EVS. I'm in Maribor, the second biggest city in Slovenia and less than 40km far away from Slovenske Konice.

I know that there are some other volunteers in Slovenske Konice. If you have Facebook, you should join a group that is called "EVS sLOVEnija 2012". Still there is no group for 2013. There you can meet people and ask whatever you want.

About Slovenian very, very difficult. You will see.
Some useful sentences:
Dober dan_ good morning
Hvala_ thanks
Kako si_ How are you?
Zdravo_ Hello

You will have really good time here :)