Français et Bulgares à Sofia

Bonjour ! Ce groupe est ouvert à tous les francophones qui habitent  ou visitent  Sofia (Bulgarie) ainsi qu'aux sociétés françaises ou ceux qui font des affaires dans notre ville....
Ask me for More ;)

Très bien, mais vous êtes dans la section anglophone, là ;) Votre post serait plus approprié dans la section francophone (cliquez sur le drapeau en haut à droite) :p

When posting to the Bulgaria (Anglophone) Forum or other Anglophone forums, please post in ENGLISH ONLY out of consideration to all of our members.

If you wish to post to any of our Francophone forums you may access them by clicking on the flag icon you find in the green banner at the top of the page and selecting French.

Actually we have 5 separate language-specific forums (English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese) which can all be accessed in this manner. When posting to any of them please use ONLY the specific language of the forum.

Your cooperation and understanding will be appreciated by everyone.

James    Expat-blog Experts Team

It's what I said him :)