My partner will probably get a GVVA visa

Hi guys, I'm Lynx and I'm moving to Den Hague next year with my partner. My partner works for a Dutch MNC and been moved within the company between Canada, UK and Singapore, where we now live together.

We are excited about the move. My partner will probably get a GVVA visa (or probably not actually because the move will be within same Dutch MNC employer) so I guess as a trailing partner, I should get a MVV visa, right? Neither one of us is EU/EEA/Swiss citizens (partner - Canadian, me - Malaysian). Been trying to read up about visa but navigating IND website is a little confusing. Hope I am going to the right direction in learning about the right visa for me.

I guess finding work as a trailing partner must be tough. Although my partner's income and package would be sufficient as single-income earner between us, I would like to be able to maintain my career. I'm from agribusiness/pesticide manufacturing industry in technical/marketing role with degree in entomology. I poked around the job site but it looks like my role/industry is probably too niched to be able to find something. Keeping my fingers crossed that my industry connections (ironically, zero Dutch connection) would be able to hopefully, actually connect me to a local employer there. Any tip would be great!

Nevertheless, we are looking forward to make new friends, learn new language and explore yet another beautiful country.

Hi Lynx,

Welcome to! :)

Thank you for this introduction. I created a new topic as from your post here ;)

Thanks Christine for moving my post into a new thread.