Dual Citizenship

Are there any Viet Kieu (American Vietnamese) expats out there?

Just out of curiosity has anyone of you gone through the process of obtaining dual citizenship?  Yoda has read through the requirements posted on the consulate's web site.  Would appreciate if you can share the in(s) and out(s), the do(s) and don't(s), and the benefits and liabilities that come with it. 

And it's either on your own, or through marriage to a local.  Thanks in advance.

Here's a thread with some information that might help:


Thanks budman.  Should have checked first.   :top:  My bad.

I have a dual citizenship (VN and USA). What exactly do you want to know?

Lulala, I will pm you as soon as I have a chance to go over the thread given by budman.  I am sure that I will have questions. Thx.