How to open an ONG in Brazil?

hi sir. i have good Experience in the diferent projacts . i wish to open an ONG here in Brazil. how to open it? need your expert opinion.

thank you very much in advance.

The first step to be a non-governmental organization (NGO) is to mobilize bt summoning an informal meeting through phone calls, letters, advertisements, pamphlets and newspapers, or other means, to attract people to the importance of the entity's creation respective, setting a date and time for an initial presentation of the objectives and activities of the same.

It is suggested the formation of a "Commission for Drafting of the bylaws," a small and agile group, to formulate and present a proposal for laws to be discussed, analyzed, modified (if necessary) and finally approved by the General Assembly ( to be called).

After identifying those interested in participating NGO, sending an invitation letter to each person, containing the date, time, location, further the scope of this and the meeting agenda, to carry out the foundation of the General Assembly, the adoption of the Statute and the first Board of Directors election.

The Statute shall contain, among other things:

    -name and acronym of the entity;
    -headquarters and forum (court - "comarca");
    -ends and objectives;

    fundraising means;
    -the members, income and expenses, rights and duties;
    -powers such as assembly, board, supervisory board;
    -how the statutes may be modified;
    -how the entity is dissolved;
    -what the fate of assets in case of dissolution.

On the Meeting day, enroll in the attendance book the name and signature of those attending. You should also register in the Minutes Book, the adoption of the Statute and the election of the first Board of Directors and signed by those present.

Followed by the election of the Board, and their respective swearing in, in accordance with the norms of the Statute approved by the General Assembly and the Fiscal Council and other councils that make up the NGO.

Then register the statute with the Civil Registry of Legal Entities (Registro Civil de Pessoas Juridicas), Also you must obtain a CNPJ with the Receita Federal.

From the point from which registered in the Cartório, the entity legally exists, and can, within the statutory rules, receive contributions act to achieve their goals and raise associates and supporters.

Hope this helps.

James    Expat-blog Experts Team

Thank you very much for such good guidelines.

Hi Dr Hussain,
What kind of ONG / NGO are you trying for ? Any specific cause. Maybe I can help ?