Football/Soccer in Chiang Mai

Hey folks,

Im a former player on an extended holiday in Chiang Mai for the next 6 weeks while my girlfriend completes some courses.

Im looking to get some touches in a game or training sessions with some decent quality. Any thoughts or insights would be greatly appreciated.



Hi, there're many futsal fields in  Chiangmai where you can probraly observe and join in. Google futsal in Chaingmai , there'll be many hit.

someone to play football in Chiang mai in april 2018?

Are talking about Real football, or soccer.

Difference ?

Real football is with helmets, and padding and gear, and real football scores a lot of point during a game. Possible you know of the Dallas Cowboys, New England Patriots, the Denver Broncos. If you have never heard of real football look up some of these teams. So, I'm assuming your talking about soccer not real football.

Yes soccer !