Looking Beyond "the me"

On daily basis we tend to look within than without...

There are many countries out there who require assistant...

At some point each one of us has failed to realize that these people are in the verge of Destruction from Hunger, lack of social amenities.. love..companionship.. moral support among others...

We need to provide a helping hand where we can by stretching our inner-being a little further and donate.. say a prayer.. writing encouraging words in social media or other platforms to send a message of hope...

Thank you so much for this post.
Sharing is caring , it doesn't matter how much you give but the Little can make a difference. It can be monetary, words of joy or any other tangible assets.

I salute whoever came up with the idea of Donation boxes in oman, they are at every trading point.malls, shops, restaurants, cafes, Hotels and all. Everytime  I see one am reminded that someone out there is need of food, clothing, shelter, medical drugs. Someone out there is battling a deadly disease but cant afford a single dose of painkillers. this could be anyone, you or me some day. Empathy should reign our souls, let's share with our brothers and sisters

Very  true  Mariamns 
We are each others  keepers  we are humanity  we ought  to see beyond  ourselves  and support   others.. We need to see past race  gender  religion  etcetera  and try to solve  what is affecting  our societies 
God bless Humankind  and may humanity  become  better  and see beyond self.. :)

Committing to a peaceful response is a major step in the right direction.

When upset or angry... shouting, screaming, put-downs and make-wrongs -- especially in front of others -- are psychic attacks that often cannot be undone.

Talking calmly about the issue and being open to listening .. provide the possibility of a positive outcome.  A tantrum does not.


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