Sending car parts from US to Brazil

Wondered if anyone has any practical experience of having hard-to-find smaller car parts sent from US to Brazil (as a consumer for personal use)....wondering what the delay and taxes imposed by customs might be (parts would generally be over $50 in value.


eldoradoslim wrote:

Wondered if anyone has any practical experience of having hard-to-find smaller car parts sent from US to Brazil (as a consumer for personal use)....wondering what the delay and taxes imposed by customs might be (parts would generally be over $50 in value.


Given the fact that Brazilian regulations prohibit importation of all vehicles that are not classified as Classic / Collector vehicles, I would think it has similarly strict regulations for parts as well. You really should check with the Receita Federal before you even consider buying parts abroad. Even if you can bring them in there's going to be a mountain of red tape and a 60% import tax on the value of the item plus the shipping cost. There may also be other taxes as well, such as ICMS and IPI.

James   Expat-blog Experts Team