Teaching in Venezuela

risky or not, worth a try ?

What's it really like ?

Any information would be appreciated.  I am looking to teach abroad, fed up of the UK.
Not many jobs around at present due to time of year, but a job their stood out to me


Do you speak Spanish?  Pop over to the Venezuela forum in Spanish and ask your question there.

Many Venezuelans are desperate to leave because of the deteriorating economic and security conditions and recommend against even their own countrymen and women returning from abroad.  Depending on where you are, there are roaming bands trying to find food, people being robbed, daily long lines to find any kind of food and consumer goods.  But you should not take my word for it, ask them.

If you don't speak Spanish I would not go there, period.  I speak fluent Spanish and there's no way I would go - I would take the advice of a recent thread and decide in favor of my life rather than a promised job there:


The last reply:
Amigo ... ni pensar en regreso... busca opciones de financiamiento en londres... no hay dinero que pague la tranquilidad y la ´porqueria de estar en una cola para COMER... aunque tengas dinero.... y cada vez es peor..aqui todo los que no estamos enchufados o chupando del gobierno queremos huir de aqui...piensa en tu familia..

Friend...don't even think of returning...look for financial options in London [ed. where the Venezuelan questioner is currently located]...there isn't enough money to pay for tranquility and the nasty mess of being in a line TO EAT...even though you may have money...and each time it's worse...here all of us who aren't 'plugged in' or sucking off the government want to flee from here...think of your family...

Venga y estrellese...pobre de sus hijos estaran presos de no tener vids...en mi caso en un año ya a mi esposo lo han apuñalado tres veces..yo me voy

Come and crash yourself...your poor children will be prisoners without lives...in my case in one year they've already stabbed my husband three times..I'm leaving